Top 5 tips for songwriting inspiration
If I’m looking for songwriting inspiration, I usually do one of the following:
1. Take a walk, breathe and breathe deep, once your mind has quietened down, you can hear the good stuff.
2. Listen to albums you love (whenever I do this I usually get about three songs in before I have to grab my guitar and write, even if you wrote one line, it’s been worth it).
3. Read, read lots and choose material you wouldn’t ordinarily choose. Creative insight can spark and ignite in the most unexpected writings and in turn, provide songwriting inspiration.
4. Write down the 3 best things that have happened to you in the last month and the three worst. One of those extremes is bound to be worthy of a song. It might not seem important enough to write about but that’s where your storytelling skills come in handy.
5. Call someone you haven’t spoken to for a while. A good catchup does two (of many things) 1. You can hear all about someone’s recent times which haven’t involved you at all, so it’s all fresh and a great distraction from your own life’s narrative. 2. When you are asked about yourself, often times others ask us in a way that helps us answer our own questions, sometimes revelatory answers just arrive.
See! What were you worried about? Songwriting Inspiration is all around. Now, go write your next brilliant song.