Get Ready – Our Creative Environment

As songwriters, our surroundings and our creative environment are often vital to the art and the actual creative process.

It’s true, that inspiration can arrive at anytime, therefore there’s no actual guarantee we’ll be ready.

Whilst we may plan, and set-up our writing environment to just the way we like it, we need to accept that the timing might just be out for that moment.

Nonetheless, this is one of the areas of a songwriter’s mind and one of the practical ways we go about our days, that we can have some influence over.

If we need our creative environment to be clutter-free, or if it’s candles and cushions and incense that makes us feel “ready”, then the least we can do, is to ensure that we take care of that.

Think about it like this: at least we’re not waiting for anyone to “get back to us” in that area of our lives.

Now, off you go. Get ready!

More of Karl’s thoughts, tips and ideas about the beautiful craft of songwriting. Watch the trailer here:


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