IS Ep 20: Your “Authentic” Self

IS Ep 20: Your “Authentic” Self

IS Ep 20: Your “Authentic” Self







As you’ll discover during this show, this episode’s title is a little tongue-in-cheek but nonetheless, important for all those interested in embracing their creative path and choosing wisely each morning.
NOTE: This episode includes a question for you. It’s a question for you to answer yourself, or even to ask yourself and then confide in those whom you respect. No need to respond directly to me…but if you feel so compelled, I’m listening 😉

Enjoy and thanks so much for being here.


IS Ep 20: Your “Authentic” Self



Links mentioned in the show are below:

Here’s the link to the superb book I rave about in this episode: Daily Rituals – How Artists Work:

Here is the link to the writing software I use ALL the time – Scrivener:

And here’s a link to Evernote:

A super quick read and a book that will transform any self-doubter into a proud songwriter –
The Free-Thinking Songwriter an eBook by Karl Broadie:

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Affiliate Disclaimer: I have a few links to products that are for sale on and because I appreciate the transparency of others, in all areas of life, I wanted to make it known that when you click these links, whilst making a purchase won’t cost you a cent more, I do receive a small commission. This is one way you can support at no extra cost to yourself and I\'m very grateful. Meanwhile, I’ll endeavour to bring as much value as I can to these pages!
Much appreciated! Karl