What are you chained to?

What are you chained to?
If you were honest with yourself, what if anything, would you say is holding you back from being the truest songwriter you can be today?
If this doesn’t sound like you. Maybe there’s a time in the past when you can recall feeling held back by something or perhaps even somebody?
Sharing some of the details of these times can often help others understand their own chains. Maybe your story can help free someone else from their own personal struggle.
I’ll admit that even during one of my major record deals, I made choices that in turn not only held me back but threw me back a long way in my career. I made decisions based on where I thought I should be heading and what I felt my next career move should be. I was wrong.
I wasn’t to know and I don’t beat myself up about it. Why not? Because the songs I’m writing now wouldn’t even exist in the same way, if not for where I’ve been.
I have a similar feeling about the personal decisions I made at that time and similarly, I realise it would be senseless for me to have any regrets.
How would we do things differently, if we could be so accepting as to know that whatever setbacks we’re experiencing or whatever chains we feel are holding us back, are actually all just a part of our story?
Then coming full circle, imagine if we were able to adjust our minds at the time to the thinking that not only is this just part of our journey, but what we’re experiencing could actually be helpful and insightful to others, should we share it.
What are you chained to? Let it out. Let me know.
As always, love to hear your thoughts, feedback, comments.
Please, if you feel that what I write might be interesting to others? Share, share, share!
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