Once a Day

Surround yourself with songwriting masters, past and present. Listen to a classic track at least once a day. Do this and gradually be proud as your own song form, meets your own song content, in the most magnificent way....

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“what if…?”

If you turned right earlier today, imagine another reality in which you turned left. Write it down. Find several ways to write it down until you are moved by your own art. Subscribe to songwritingmastery.com podcast here: https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/songwritingmastery.com-podcasts/id570339148...

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Greatness part II

This song, is “This Song”. It’s nothing more and it’s definitely nothing less. What happens beyond this point has nothing to do with “This Song”, right here and now. Greatness is in the song itself, not in the potential and especially not, in the commercial value. Subscribe to songwritingmastery.com podcast here:...

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It would be insane to predict the reaction of a combination of creative minds. Explore, join forces, collaborate, co-write!...

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Karl’s answer to Q3 “fifty great questions to ask songwriters”

3. Can a trend or fashionable style of song affect your own songwriting? Perhaps your methods change or a trusted usual approach changes? The answer to this depends on whether or not you are a songwriter that follows trends and/or maybe even decides to try and stay “current”. If you are either of the afore mentioned? Then your best bet would be to stay...

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Karl’s answer to Q2: “fifty great questions to ask songwriters”

2. How important is it to research what or who has influenced a songwriter that you admire? Can you share an example? Whether you have one or many songwriters in particular that you look up to, going back to the source and researching what it was that fueled them in the first place, will undoubtedly provide a deep and endless well of inspiration. An example of that...

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Karl’s answer to Q1 “fifty great questions to ask songwriters”

1. Starting point – Are there any basic guidelines you could share for perhaps someone who has never written a song before but would love to?   Scribble down your thoughts, everyday, write something. Then get your instrument and throw a few chords together…..even two! Then scour your scribbles for a word or phrase that looks strong on the page....

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In songwriting, meaningful repetition is encouraged. Repetition of the meaningless, is not....

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Fifty great questions to ask songwriters – Q1

1. Starting point – Are there any basic guidelines you could share for perhaps someone who has never written a song before but would love to?...

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Learn to decipher the wise from the unwise. Taking heed of “constructive” criticism from a deconstructive source will not better your art....

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Much appreciated! Karl