5 Smart goals for performing songwriters Pt 2

5 Smart goals for performing songwriters Pt 2

Goal number 2: One devoted new fan.

One devoted new fan from every show is a massively underrated goal for most performing songwriters. I’ve often heard artists declaring that they want the whole audience to buy their album and to be new devoted fans. Music is such a personal preference that this is a very rare and almost impossible achievement. Even if the show is mind-blowing, there’ll be someone in the audience whose preferable “cup-o-tea” is quite different. We can’t please everyone, where would we put them? …erm

smart goals for performing songwriters


As performing songwriters, when considering smart goals, we can never underestimate the power of one single devoted fan. This is at the very least a privilege in itself. Imagine that! Someone who is entirely passionate about the art we create! Many before us have never known this feeling. When we reach the stage whereby garnering new passionate fans is a regular occurrence,  it can become very easy to take this feeling for granted and start to expect it. We must remember that our true fans will notice this and start to turn their attention elsewhere. We must always express our gratitude to those who have let us know how much our songs mean to them and never stop expressing that gratitude no matter where our smart goals take us and no matter what great heights we reach on our journey.

One passionate new super-fan, can multiply into ten new fans in a matter of days. That’s the reality of such a committed devotee. One or more of those ten new fans could spread the word to another ten and so on and so forth. You can’t pay for support of this nature. When we are fortunate enough, we should give thanks and hope for more of the same, slowly but surely.

There is no good or bad or right or wrong with art. As Seth Godin says “the best we can hope for is ‘interesting’ ”
Ultimately, we can have smart goals in place all we like and we are just as likely to achieve them as not to achieve them. The point is, we show-up and do our best. Again, we show up…..and we do our best.

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