Eight “maybes” for you to write a song about…….and one for me.

Eight “maybes” for you to write a song about…….and one for me.

Eight “maybes” for you to write a song about…….and one for me.

My journalling app is called ‘Day One’. I’m using it to write most things these days.

I have my artist’s site and I have Inside Songwriting. I also have a little known vegan blog called Vegan Scotsman which I occasionally post on.

Writing is something I need to be able to do, as and when my blazing mind throws flames and ideas at me. I need to record them! I use traditional notebooks every day, and I use this app ‘Day One’ too.

At the top of each new post in ‘Day One’, the app asks you a question that is designed to trigger a new thought that perhaps you can then write about.

I’m looking at the question now: “What are your favourite books? Do you have a favourite author?”

Immediately I thought of one of my favourite authors of the past, Richard Bach, and how I wrote a song to thank him… a song that he will most likely never hear.

It’s a song called “Paperback Book” from my album *Nowhere Now Here*, it’s a slow waltz and mostly talks of the amazing timing, when a book lands in our hands and it seems like it was always meant to.

My song “Paperback Book” was licensed by Starbucks and played for months in over 7000 outlets worldwide. Who would have thought? I was receiving emails from Moscow and Vegas and other places far from where the song was born.

Here’s a youtube link to that song.

It’s a real homespun video but I like it and it features a dawg named “Diesel” who belongs to my dear friend and whisky-drinkin-pardner James Blundell.



Maybe you have a favourite author?

Maybe you could write a song about it?

Maybe you could write a Haiku about it, then work on the LP version of the Haiku as time goes by?

Maybe you could write a song about the influence a book has had on you?

Maybe you could write a song about the influence a book has had on someone close to you?

Maybe you could write a song about the influence a book has had on someone you heard or read about?

Maybe you could write a song with the same title as a book that has had a big impact on your life?

Maybe you could write a song with a variation on the title of a book that has had a big impact on your life?

Note: I went out of the app to do something else briefly and the question changed. It now says “What have you recently learned?”

Maybe we’ll leave that for the next post 😉

Thank you for being here. It means a lot. I mean that.

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Much appreciated! Karl